Dear Hope East,

We put out this annual budget report every year for the following reasons: 1) To celebrate what God has done through our finances; 2) To be transparent - “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body”; and 3) To encourage our church to continue to be faithful in giving towards the body God has called us to love. After all, here at Hope East our motto is, “The Whole Family Makes It Happen.”


Our 2022 Total Annual Giving was $407,075.61 (this marks 6 straight years where our annual giving has increased!). In addition, we received an outside grant from the government for $16,768.05 (Employee Retention Credit program), giving us a total annual revenue of $423,843.66.

Our total expenses were $379,916.50 and the breakdown is as follows: 1) Personnel $272,890.20 (salaries for two full time pastors including health insurance reimbursement, part-time children’s director, part-time toddler ministry director, part-time young adults pastor, part-time youth pastor, part-time prayer ministry pastor, and part-time worship director; 2) Staff Ministry Expense $3,354.05; 3) Facilities $30,494.99 (Sunday service lease); 4) Missions $42,040.33 (support of 1 local and 1 global missionary, denominational support, local benevolence, and the Safe Center LI); 5) Administration $8,558.57 (accounting fees, insurance, Planning Center, CCLI, website, Zoom, podcast, print costs, and misc.); 6) Ministries $15,273,28 (includes baptisms, classes, Intro to Hope, events, home groups, tots/kids/youth/young adults ministries); 7) Sunday Service Operating Expenses $2,919.37 (meals and hospitality costs); 8) Special Services $2,460.07 (services for Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Lent); 9) Equipment $1,925.64 (worship, kids and hospitality equipment).

Included in our Annual Giving was $24,767 that we raised in our Extending Hope Giving Campaign. We used the funds to 1) Support our global missionary Jane Kim serving in Tokyo, Japan; 2) Support our local missionary Esther Kim who helps identify, train and send missionaries, and; 3) For The Safe Center LI in their project to create an additional observation room at their Child Advocacy Center.

This past year, we moved to a new location, had five people commit their lives to the Lord through baptisms, launched 11 Home Groups in the fall, and had our first ever Worship Night! We are grateful for all of you who invest in our community, and we continue to look forward to what God has in store.

In Christ,

David Jung

“We love because he has first loved us.” - John 4:19